Compile GPlates on Fedora Linux
Note: this guide is out of date. GPlates has a new stable version (2.4.0) and the download link for the old source code doesn’t work anymore. GPlates is a free software program for modeling the tectonic history of a planet. It was designed with a scientific audience in mind, but it has also gained popularity among the worldbuilding community. GPlates has an Ubuntu package and both source- and binary-based Arch User Repository packages, but no package for Fedora Linux. One of the options for running GPlates on Fedora is to compile GPlates from source; this guide will show you how to do so. It was last confirmed to be working 2023-08-26.
Download and dependencies
As of Fedora 38, compiling fails on the most recent stable version of GPlates,1 however the 2.3.1 beta 5 will compile as expected.2 Download the 2.3.1 beta 5 source code and extract the downloaded archive to wherever you like.
Opening the file DEPS.Linux
will show you what dependencies are
required to compile GPlates on Ubuntu. Translating the packages to equivalent
Fedora packages, we get the command:
sudo dnf install cmake g++ mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU-devel glew-devel
python3-devel python3-numpy boost-devel qt5-qtbase-devel
qt5-qtxmlpatterns-devel gdal-devel CGAL-devel proj-devel qwt-qt5-devel
zlib-devel libXrender-devel libICE-devel libSM-devel freetype-devel
Many of these are included by default in Fedora.
Compiling and installing
Open the folder with the GPlates source code and open a terminal there. Fedora
puts Qwt in an odd spot, so you have to tell cmake where it is.3
Enter the command cmake . -DQWT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/qt5/qwt
Once that has finished, run make
. Compiling GPlates takes about 2
Once GPlates is done compiling, install it by running
sudo make install
Running GPlates
GPlates does not yet support Wayland, so you must run it with the environment
variable QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb
. This can be added to an alias or
desktop entry.

“Compilation error with boost 1.77”, GPlates Community Forum, 2021-12-20. Accessed 2023-06-24.↩︎
Comment on “Compilation error with boost 1.77”, GPlates Community Forum, 2022-11-15. Accessed 2023-06-24.↩︎
“QWT_INCLUDE_DIR is not automatically found on Fedora 27”, Orfeo Toolbox GitLab, 2021-12-20. Accessed 2023-06-24.↩︎